The foundation of human development.

The Importance of Nutrition in Fitness

Nutrition Dish

Fitness is the culmination of looking good, feeling great, and having a healthy body. Nutrition is the foundational tool to achieving short term and long term fitness. 

The foods you decide to eat will be the link to how your body is structured and how it functions. In nutrition, a Calorie is the measure of energy expenditure and stored energy. As a result, depending on your fitness goal, you would want to factor in how many calories of food you should be eating everyday.

Fitness is not just physical exercises. Learning the basics of nutrition is also very important so that you can make informed decisions on what foods you should or shouldn’t be including in you diet.

More Nutrition Information

For more detail information on all things nutrition, dietetics, and food recipes, check out my nutrition blog! Everything you find in the blog will have scientific references and links to elaborate graphs. Moreover, feel free to leave comments on the blog posts letting me know what you think!

vegetables, nature, green

Macros Information

Macronutrients are nutrients that our body needs in large quantities. The three “macros” are Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats. The road to your ideal body can not be reached without finding your macro intake. Specific info about each macronutrient can be found below.

Carbohydrates or carbs are important nutrients that the body brakes down into smaller sugars to be used as energy for immediate actions. This nutrient is found in the form of sugars like apples and milk, starches like bread and potatoes, and fiber like whole-wheat oats and vegetable stalk.

Proteins are the building blocks of the body, they are made up of amino acids which make muscles, bone, skin, hair, and other body tissues. This nutrient is found in meats like ground beef and chicken breast, plants like broccoli and beans, or fungi like oyster and morel mushrooms.

Fats are the main fuel source for long duration and low-to-mid intensity activities. This nutrient is found in “good” fatty foods like avocados, nuts, and grapeseed oil, and in “bad” fatty foods like sweetened cream cheese and trans fat margarine.


Provided below is a calculator you can use to find your daily macronutrient needs. This calculator will determine your recommended Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat intake. Make sure to select “Moderate” on “Macro balance” below.

Macronutrient Ratio